Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!!

Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! Specifications

64MB EliteMT DDR SDRAM 3.8ns
Cooling - Core
Circular fan/heatsink combo
Cooling - Memory
16 fin RAMsinks
Temperature - Core
136 F / 57.8 C
Temperature - Memory
116 F / 46.7 C
S- Video and Composite Philips SAA7108E
S- Video and Composite Philips SAA7108E
NVIDIA Reference with EXPERTool
Highest Overclock
Overclocking Utility
2D Image Quality
2 (good)
Software/Gaming Bundle
Ulead VideoStudio 4.0 SE, WinDVD 2000
Average Online Price
$320.00 base model
$355.00 VIVO model

Gainward has built a reputation of providing low cost, high quality products and the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! is no exception. The card is available in two models: a base model with only the TV-out option and a VIVO model that features full video input and output as well as a DVI port.

We were quite impressed when we first saw the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!!, as it was the first reference designed NVIDIA card we had seen with VIVO functionality added via a daughter card housing the Philips SAA7108E video encoder/decoder. Input/output is made possible via a dongle that accepts both composite video and s-video inputs as well as outputs.

The core of the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! is cooled via the same heatsink/fan setup we saw on the Absolute Multimedia Morpheus card, except Gainward uses a thermal pad as opposed to thermal grease to bond the heatsink to the core surface. We would rather that pad be replaced with thermal grease for more effective heat transfer. The red RAMsinks are attached to the memory chips via thermal tape. Our success overclocking the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! was not bad. We were able to get the core up to 235MHz and the memory clock up to 515MHz: producing an overclocked core speed slightly higher than the average we experienced and a memory speed right at average.

The 2D image quality of the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! was spectacular. Our notes clearly mark the card as "best" among GeForce3 cards in both the 1600x1200x32 at 85Hz as well as the 1800x1440x32 at 70Hz test. The 2D image quality of the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! was right on par with the ATI Radeon DDR card we used for comparison, leaving the other GeForce3 cards behind.


The Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! is one of the less expensive GeForce3 cards available. In it's base form, the card is certainly a great value, offering good performance and superior image quality at a lower price than many competitors. Adding the VIVO option will set you back an additional $35, but the functionality gained for such a low price increase is quite astounding.

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