Meet Sapphire’s 5570

Sapphire also sent along their 5570. As a launch-day card it’s nearly identical to our reference card, utilizing the same PCB and RAM as that card. The only difference on the board itself is that our Sapphire card is equipped with a DisplayPort rather than an HDMI port.

The bigger difference is that like virtually everyone else, Sapphire has ditched the reference cooler for another design. It’s still a single-slot cooler, but instead of AMD’s blower Sapphire is using an open-ended design that vents air out the front and the rear. It’s painted black so we can’t tell what material it’s made from, but we suspect it’s aluminum rather than copper like AMD’s. This will be worth keeping in mind for later when we look at the cooling characteristics of these two cards.


As with Sapphire’s 5450, their 5770 comes in a surprisingly large box. Inside is the card, a low-profile bracket, drivers, an installation guide, and Arcsoft’s SimHD video conferencing plugin.

Index Still Not the Perfect HTPC Card
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  • bombacan - Monday, April 5, 2010 - link

    when compared to 4670, there is no improvement on neither performance nor power consumption.besides its more expensive and doesn't have a fanless version atm.
  • avhenrik - Saturday, May 15, 2010 - link

    I am not a specialist, but check out how rage3d gets smooth deinterlacing with a simpler card (HD 5550) here:

    They combine adaptive vector deinterlacing with other post processing, giving nice results. Have you tried that on the 5570?
  • hybrid2d4x4 - Thursday, August 26, 2010 - link

    It's probably too late to ask this as this article/thread probably never gets checked anymore, but what PSU was used in the review?

    I'm assuming that it's the standard 750W or higher rated unit that's used for most VGA reviews... but wanted to know how much savings there is to be had by using a low-rated, high-efficiency PSU more suited to a low-power HTPC build.
  • nfarnham2001 - Monday, December 27, 2010 - link

    Okay, I have an HP a6203w desktop with a Bestec 250w PSU. I am looking for an average cheap replacement to the very crappy nvidia 6150se nforce 430 graphics. I am basing my choice off of the fact that video cards without power connectors use the 75 watts of the PCI slot, and since my full system is stock besides 2 more gigs of ram, I figured it could hold it. Professional opinion?
  • dendy - Thursday, July 28, 2011 - link

    I was working on the study of the Radeon HD 5570 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 445M for <a href="">my blog</a> .... and look for performance comparisons between the two. Is there someone can help?
  • dendy - Thursday, July 28, 2011 - link ... that is my blog.

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