Test Descriptions and Settings

Age of Conan

For Age of Conan, we opened up the graphics settings and clicked the high button. For added fun we went into the advanced page and upgraded to SM 3.0, though nothing else on this page was changed. We left AA off, as the graphics on this one were a bit tough already, and getting a good experience might require dropping down to medium settings. It's a shame that AoC doesn't allow us to test at 800x600. On an MMO, screen space can be pretty important, so we do understand the decision. Our tests consist of a swim towards Tortage Island and a quick run to the jungle. The test is a straight line run and very repeatable. We used FRAPS to record the average frame rate.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

We recorded a custom net timedemo for this one. All of our tests are done using the highest possible settings with 4xAA. The Doom 3 engine is getting a little outdated and just about everything can run it well. One of the more interesting issues is that we need to quit out of the game every time we change resolution or our scores get really crazy.


Race Driver: GRID

This game plays surprisingly well at lower resolutions on these cards. We used the ultra high settings, but disabled AA here. Some of the shaders this game uses really benefit from AA though, and the 4670 is actually able to handle AA pretty well on this one at 1280x1024. The test for GRID is the first straight (right into a wall) of a track. We start at the back of the pack and start FRAPS running as soon as we take off. FRAPS is stopped when we hit the wall.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This test has been with us in some way or another for a very long time. The game is DX9, and we use Ultra High default settings for this one. For our AA/AF testing, we force those options through the driver control panel. The test is a straight line run with FRAPS. Even though there's a little age on this game, it is still a great title to get people hooked on gaming. It's open and fun and it doesn't look bad at lower resolutions with the settings cranked up. And these little cards can deliver as well.


Yes, the obligatory Crysis test. This one is done using Medium settings across the board and no AA. We were running in DX10 mode and 64-bit as well. Our test is the built-in GPU benchmark run 3 times, and our score is the average of the second two runs. The game does lose some of its luster under Medium settings, but it is still very playable. Depending on the card you have, you would want to spend some time seeing what settings you could get away with pushing up to High.

The Witcher

For The Witcher we crank everything way up. We would have done more AA tests with this one, but there is this annoying new trend of limiting the maximum resolution AA can be enabled on based on framebuffer size. Aside from being annoying in our testing, architecture has a lot to do with AA performance and framebuffer is sort of a naive metric to use. In any case, this is another FRAPS test, but we benchmark one of the early in-engine cut scenes

Test Setup
CPU Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 @ 3.20GHz
Motherboard EVGA nForce 790i SLI
Intel DX48BT2
Video Cards

ATI Radeon HD 4870
ATI Radeon HD 4850
ATI Radeon HD 4670 (512MB GDDR3)
ATI Radeon HD 3870
ATI Radeon HD 3850
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO
NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT

Video Drivers Catalyst Press Driver 8.9 Beta (Radeon HD 4670)
Catalyst 8.7 (Radeon HD 4850, 3850)
Catalyst 8.8 (Radeon HD 4870, 3870)
ForceWare 175.19 (9600 GSO)
ForceWare 175.16 (9500 GT)
Hard Drive Seagate 7200.9 120GB 8MB 7200RPM
RAM 4 x 1GB Corsair DDR3-1333 7-7-7-20
Operating System Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit SP1
PSU PC Power & Cooling Turbo Cool 1200W
Enter the 8800 GS... err... I Mean The 9600 GSO Starting at the Low End: Radeon HD 4670 vs. 3650
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  • FishTankX - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    I think this is the only article i've ever seen that uses the term 'Epic fail' in the conclusion.
  • piroroadkill - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    Eh, don't be so elitist and stuffy, if the article is good - and it is - then it doesn't really matter.
  • n00bxqb - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    Same here ... I approve of this term :)

    As for the HD 4670, keep in mind that this WILL make its way into MAINSTREAM computers (i.e. Dells and HPs), which is a very good thing. The 9600 GSO and 9600 GT probably won't find a home in these PCs because, let's face it, those cards at the $100 price-point aren't high margin and Nvidia and their partners aren't going to be able to offer the kind of substantial discount to OEMs like they can on items like the HD 4670 and 9500 GT.

    Also, given the low power consumption, I could see this making its way into laptops soon as well in the $700-$1000 price range.

    This will be good not only for your uneducated mainstream computer buyer, but it will also be good for AMD, which really needs it right now, and the PC gaming industry, which also really needs increased demand right now, too.
  • fri2219 - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    Not to mention "loose" in place of the word lose...

    Terrible review, even worse writing.

    This isn't up to Anandtech standards.
  • Megaknight - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    Why is it a terrible review? Beacause it shows Nvidia sells old technology like it was new and screws the less informed people?
  • regnez - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - link

    Well, we certainly look forward to your review of this card in the very near future, then. Or at the very least, some constructive criticism. If you cannot provide either of those, how about you just STFU?

    Also, I would not be surprised to see this card in an iMac refresh, courtesy of its low-power/decent performance. Certainly it would be an improvement over the 2400/2600 GPUs they have now, at least for the baseline models.
  • fri2219 - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - link

    Does your daddy's dick still taste like your shit?

    I look forward to your review of all the penises you've licked the shit off in the future.

    Until then, shut the fuck up/
  • xeutonmojukai - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - link

    Petty bickering makes one look petty, nothing more.

    Besides that, I have an interest in your expert assessment of your own experience licking feces off of male genitalia, since I'm sure it would be riveting compared to your new rival's most likely empty repertoire of anecdotes.

    Back on-topic, I found this review to be great, and I also find that spelling is about as relevant to the quality of a person's writing of a review as an incoherent username is to the inherent coolness of the user on a reply thread.
  • Gristy - Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - link

    I recent upgraded to the agp version of the 4670 my pc is pretty average, i have a 2.8 amd athlon 1.5 GB of ram and im currently running ARMA2 on high graphics with my resolution at 1024 x 768 and the game runs perfectly smooth with absolute fantastic graphics, i HIGHLY reccomend this budget card :D
  • dellprecision380 - Saturday, July 9, 2011 - link

    4670 will work in x16 pci slot and 375watt psu?mother board intel 955xcs and pentium d 3.2ghz

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