Mid Range GPU Performance w/ Bloom Enabled

Just as was the case with the high end tests, we ran a separate set of benchmarks with HDR lighting disabled to allow for comparison to ATI's Radeon X850/X800 series. The question we're looking to answer here is what upgrade options X850/X800 owners have in the mid-range market segment.

The white lines within the bars indicate minimum frame rate

With HDR disabled, if you've got anything faster than an X800 XL from ATI you are sitting very pretty. While the GeForce 7900 GT and X1800 XT offer some pretty compelling performance, high end X850/X800 owners really don't have a reason to upgrade unless they want better image quality. Even the X800 Pro performs pretty well here; fortunately (or unfortunately) for owners of ATI's X850/X800 series, if you're not going to spend a lot of money on a GPU upgrade then your best bet is actually to stay put and just turn down your detail settings.

NVIDIA's GeForce 6800 GS does reasonably well here, but it looks like Oblivion isn't very friendly to NVIDIA's GeForce 6 architecture as the vanilla ATI Radeon X800 offers similar performance.


The white lines within the bars indicate minimum frame rate

The performance picture doesn't really change all that much here for Radeon X850/X800 owners, their performance is still chart topping.

The white lines within the bars indicate minimum frame rate

Mid Range GPU Performance w/ HDR Enabled Final Words
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  • JarredWalton - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link

    I can't say I'd even begin to consider DOAC as better looking graphics. But if that's what you like, more power to you.
  • dhei - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link


    I can't say I'd even begin to consider DOAC as better looking graphics. But if that's what you like, more power to you.

    Thats easy to say when you prob don't play it currently. It has all the graphics features you see in Oblivion minus maybe HDR.
  • ueadian - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link

    Lol are you serious? DAoC might look better while you are smoking the reefer bud but I've played it many times and Oblivion blows it away graphicaly.
  • dhei - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link

    Well your doing drugs to think oblvion has good graphics. I consider them medicore compared to other games of same kind, has I have seen people play the game.

    DAOC graphics look a ton better to me imo...drug free..
  • hondaman - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - link

    Why play oblivion instead of MMO?

    1. No monthly fees
    2. Oblivion has an end. MMO doesnt. Thats a good thing for those of us with lives, but little self control.
    3. No annoying kids to deal with.
    4. No annoying cliques
    5. No annoying server downtimes.
    6. Not having to answer "a/s/l" every 30 seconds.

    There is a pleasant serenity about single player RPG's that is impossible with MMO.
  • TejTrescent - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - link

    But hmm.

    My rig is no where close to the rig that you guys used for comparison, and I don't know my exact framerates because I've not yet ran FRAPS with Oblivion, but..

    My 3500+ Newcastle, not overclocked, with 2GB of Corsair/Mushkin running dual channel at 2.5-3-3-7, with my AGPx8 6800OC from BFGTech (not overclocked any further either).. I pull highly playable framerates (aka no choppiness unless I'm getting jumped by 6+ Daedric mages, that lightning is killer) at settings MILDLY better than the medium GPU ones (though still 1024x768, just higher fade rates), no tweaks on either. I can even run MediaMonkey for music in the background without any choppy feelings.

    I guess Oblivion isn't very CPU dependant or gains anything from multithreads really or something, because huh. I mean, I can't believe my crappy 3500+ is keeping decent pace with an FX60. o_o And better RAM. Just huh. I can generally tell if a framerate falls below 24 thanks to FPS games being painful at any lower than that.. and just huh. Weiird.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - link

    I would say there's a good chance your framerates are below 20 on a regular basis in the wilderness. FX-60, 7900 GT SLI, 2GB RAM, 2x150GB Raptors, and at Fort Bloodford looking towards the closest Oblivion Gate, I pull 13-15 FPS. (1920x1200, most detail settings at high.) I've also found that lowering a lot of settings doesn't have much of an impact. The various "fade" settings don't do much for me.

    Open the console and type "TDT" to see your frame rates. I personally find anyting above 15 FPS to be acceptable for Oblivion, but opinions vary. :)
  • TejTrescent - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - link

    Well.. I'll check it out later tonight, but if they are, it's absolutely the smoothest sub 20fps I've ever seen.

    Lot more playable than UT2004, Painkiller, FarCry, or... pretty much anything else on this comp. XD
  • TejTrescent - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link

    Wish there was an edit because I feel stupid replying to myself, but. Huh.

    18-30 outside commonly, 18-35 in the city, and consistent 25-35 in dungeon areas.

    I am so so confused right now. The 18 isn't even noticeable. How did they.. what did they.. wha.. Guess it's just the slower pace making it less noticeable..
  • nullpointerus - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link

    Uh...I'm not a graphics guru, but is it possible that the dips in fps are smoother? If we draw a graph with "1" indicating a frame draw and "x" indicating stalling of some kind - such as processing sound, physics, or waiting on the GPU hardware - then I can illustrate what I'm talking about.

    1xx1xx1xx1xx1xx (20 fps on a 60Hz display - balanced)

    1xxxx11xx1xxx1x (20 fps on a 60Hz display - choppy)

    Or do 3D games not work like this?

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