Significance on Desktop

The first question that should pop into your head right now is why we would need HDMI on the PC when it physically does the job of DVI – particularly considering how few people actually use DVI instead of analog connections! The answer is, again, copy protection. If we take a step back and look at the larger plans for PCs and media devices in general, the obvious trend becomes the PC’s integral role as an entire entertainment system with considerable weight on Media Center, DVDs, etc. For large content providers like Viacom, Starz! and Discovery Channel to get on board with Microsoft’s dream of IP TV, media center “servers” and set top boxes running stripped-down PC hardware, the obvious scrutiny on security comes to mind as well. No major content providers would consider the Media Center vision if they didn’t feel that their content would be secure from piracy on MCE PCs.

The weakest link narrows down to the user’s ability to transcode on demand media on the PC into something more portable, or the user’s ability to digitally rip the signal off the DVI interface! With Intel’s HDCP tied into the HDMI specification so tightly, manufacturers and content providers would be insane not to push HDMI out the door to replace DVI. The additional perks for HDMI are still there: it’s a smaller cable, can run longer distances without issues, and obviously, the integrated ability to transfer audio too. However, when a tier 1 OEM decides to build their next HTPC, they will certainly come under considerable scrutiny to provide a secure platform if they expect backing from the content providers. The fact that HDMI protects video and audio signaling is enough for content providers to lean on PC manufacturers to adopt the standard over DVI.

Audio poses a fairly large problem for PC manufacturers. While it’s easy for an IGP motherboard to include audio and video on the same interface, graphics cards are only designed for video. At first, graphics cards and motherboards that adopt HDMI will probably opt out of utilizing audio over HDMI as most HDMI-ready devices allow analog stereo input (just as DVI does). However, if we think more long term, fusing audio and video on the same output puts ATI and NVIDIA at particular odds with discreet and integrated audio partners. After all, Intel just released their 8 channel digital audio solution, and companies like Creative and VIA have a significant portion of their business riding on the fact that separate inputs are needed for audio and video. Will we see a synergy from graphics and audio manufacturers to consolidate audio and video back down onto the graphics card? Unfortunately, the PC industry doesn’t have an answer for that question just yet.

Where does this leave DVI? For the PC industry, DVI is just getting its feet off the ground in terms of replacing the ancient 15-pin D-sub analog cables that we have all been using on CRT monitors. There isn’t an advantage for the everyday home user to need an HDCP compliant HDMI LCD panel connected to their computer, although with the backing of a player like Microsoft, it won’t be very long before HDMI starts showing up anyway. For the home theater industry, HDMI is already here and quickly gaining a lot of momentum. DVI won’t disappear overnight in the living room, but you can surely bet that the content providers would love to remove its weakest link in digital copy protection in the near future. Not surprisingly, FCC just mandated that all digital cable ready TVs sold after July 2005 must have DVI-HDCP or HDMI-HDCP capability.


All in all, be aware of the new standard, but don’t be too surprised if HDMI starts showing up on next generation IGP motherboards and then, finally, video cards with audio capabilities. HDMI-to-DVI converters will continue to support older TVs and monitors that don’t have HDMI capability if that monitor is HDCP compatible. The smaller form factor is a welcomed addition for laptops and set top HTPCs, and if audio integration takes off, it will be a welcome fix to the clutter behind the computer. If the PC market shows the same momentum for HDMI that the home theater market has, it certainly won’t be too long until we get these questions answered first hand!

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  • Klober - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    I agree with archcommus87, even if they integrate audio and video onto a single card in the PC, my monitor and 5.1 speakers are still two separate pieces of equipment. So where is the cable supposed to plug in - the monitor or my sub? If it plugs into the monitor, then I still need the current cable I have running from my sound card to my sub. If it plugs into my sub, then I still need the cable running from my video card to my monitor. The integration makes sense for home theatre systems where everything goes to the receiver, but it sounds like a downright stupid idea for PCs. Either way though, I really can't stand the "secure" crap they're trying to push on us in order to take away our law given rights. They force us to crack the schemes to use our systems the way we should be able to according to the laws, and then they prosecute us for it. Just doesn't seem right to me. It's my equipment, I paid good money for it, and I'll use it how I like within the current laws.
  • Googer - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    I am an analogue fan, I love my CRT! Does HDMI support analogue?
  • archcommus87 - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    mcveigh: I'm talking about for a PC setup. I also don't understand the purpose of combining video and audio into one cable. No matter what future technologies ever come out, the sound system and monitor will ALWAYS be separate!
  • epiv - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    I do not get the idea of combining audio and video signal into the same interface. Currently audio and video come from different component in a pc and is sent to different device too. Are they going to combine the Monitor and speaker into one package too?
  • Brian23 - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    This is all crap. I don't even own a TV and I don't plan on getting one. The only shows I watch are the ones I play on DVD and the ones I download on the internet.
  • stanmuffin - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    Bleh. The trend toward manufacturing devices that disobey their owners continues. It won't be long before we're not allowed to change the channel without watching 10 minutes of commercials first.
  • ceefka - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    #15 Maybe they think you'll use your THX or AC3 capable receiver for the sound and the TV as a display. You're not listening to your TV when you play a DVD, do you?

    Intergrating Dolby Surround 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, DTS and or THX in your PCI-E graphicscard: Nice idea. With the size of the HDMI-plug you'd even have room for the optical/coax digital out, 2nd display and ViVo. It could also save us from any crappy on board solutions.
  • Koing - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    #12 KHysiek

    DVI suports 1920x1200. A Dual Link (DL) one will go up to the 30" 4MP display.

    The HDMI will go to a 'reciever' first then from the receiver to whatever you want. One run to the tv and speaker cable from the reciever.

    If you don't have a receiver you just go straight to the tv. BUT this crews the people who's receiver does not have HDMI :P

  • Noli - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    Totally agree #16
    Many people who have just or are just about to buy expensive plasma/lcd tvs will be truly p*ssed off when they find out that their swanky dvi/hdmi connection is not HDCP compliant and so can't watch the content they've paid for! (only some of the latest models are HDCP compliant).

    Not sure yet if the panasonic AE700 projector I bought (has hdmi) a couple of months ago is HDCP compliant but it will be annoying if it isn't. (Anyone know?)

    Here in the UK it is not so bad - the BBC said that they won't be broadcasting in HDTV modes (a strong candidate for hdcp protection I think) until 2010, though some sports events in 2005/6 maybe HDTV resolution and some dramas in 2007/8. By then, plasma/lcd tvs should be even cheaper but i still don't see how you can force a nation *and* manufacturers to force the changeover.

    All this will do is force the knowledgeable and the keen to hack HDCP and everyone else will suffer...
  • R3MF - Monday, January 17, 2005 - link

    oh well, their loss.

    we will crack it, just like we always have when vendor lock-in ensues.

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