Audio Recommendations

We'll start with the sound cards first. For many people, the integrated sound in any of these systems will be sufficient. There are two exceptions to that, and they are gamers and audiophiles. We'll leave the gamers out of this for now, but those of you who are interested in sound quality or who do audio work for a living will probably want something more than integrated audio.

Sound Card Alternative: M-Audio Revolution 7.1
Price: $92 Shipped (Retail)

The M-Audio Revolution 7.1 is a professional level sound card that can be used for serious audio work, and it has some of the cleanest input and output available. Only a significantly more expensive sound card like the Terratec Aureon 7.1 is likely to surpass it. If you work with audio for a living, the investment is worthwhile, but most users will not need this level of sound quality. Those looking to put together a Home Theater PC might also find the Dolby Digital EX and DTS decoding handy.

Speaker Recommendation: Logitech Z-640 5.1
Price: $53 Shipped (Retail)

Continuing our tradition of recommending the Z-640 speakers, they return once again. We'll change them out for something better when it arrives. They are a little heavy on the bass and not as clear as some higher quality speakers, but for most users they are more than sufficient, and at $53 they are an incredible value.

Speaker Alternative: Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 THX Certified
Price: $159 Shipped (Retail)

The older brother of the Z-640, Logitech continues to impress with their mid-range speaker systems. The clarity is better than the Z-640 and they offer increased power, but at three times the cost, it is hard to justify them for most people. For another $75 or so, you could upgrade even further to the Z-680 speakers, which come with Dolby Digital and DTS decoding. Both of these can work very well as a replacement for more expensive home theater equipment. If you already have a Dolby Digital receiver, you don't need that feature in your speakers and can go with the Z-5300 setup. Just a warning for those who might be thinking of using these in a smaller office: they can cause physical pain if you crank them up all the way, especially in a confined space. Consider yourself warned.

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  • PrinceGaz - Thursday, October 21, 2004 - link

    pg.3 under AMD CPU Alternative: "The 3400+ is also an option for additional performance and at 2.4 GHz, it is only slightly slower than the 3800+ at roughly half the cost. Our past tests have shown that the additional 512K of L2 cache does not usually boost performance of the Athlon 64 processors as much as an additional 200 MHz of clock speed will, so we recommend the Newcastle cores over the Clawhammer variants"

    It should be 3700+ rather than 3800+ as we are talking about S754 processors.
  • HVAC - Thursday, October 21, 2004 - link

    I think you should revise the comments on the price of the hard drives to reflect 58 and 59 cents per GIGAbyte, not per MEGAbyte.
  • JClimbs - Thursday, October 21, 2004 - link

    Good article, I like seeing multiple choices and reading the +'s and -'s for each.
  • Tides - Thursday, October 21, 2004 - link

    you mention ocz for 220 bucks but a gig of pqi @ 2-2-2-5 (TCCP samsung chips) goes for 30more which as we've seen in your own reviews does awesome.

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