High End System Summary

 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling AMD Athlon 64 3400+ retail $415
Motherboard MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R (VIA K8T800) $123
Memory 2 X 512MB Mushkin Level One (CAS2.0) $240
Video Card 128MB PowerColor 9800 Pro $206
Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 21" CRT (1100DF) $470
Computer Case Kingwin K11 Aluminum ATX plus $50 400W Antec SL400 PSU $120
Sound Card Creative Labs Audigy 2 6.1 OEM $71
Speakers Logitech Z-5300 5.1 speakers $148
Networking Onboard 10/100/1000 Ethernet $0
Hard Drive Western Digital 1200JB (120GB) $88
CD-RW NEC 2500A 8X DVD+/-RW $84
Bottom Line - $1965

$1965 is the final price of our high end system this week, not including any money that you'll spend on software (Windows XP Home or Professional, Office, etc.) or a keyboard and mouse.

Save for the recommended video card (due to next generation cards being just around the corner) and HDD (10,000 RPM drives aren't cheap enough yet), this is the fastest desktop system that you can buy, short of full blown FX53 and P4EE systems. You can always opt for the prohibitively expensive processor solutions, but just realize that the performance difference will be negligible.

Now, go build your system and let us know what you think in our comments section.

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  • Fr0zeN - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    Yeah I just hooked up raid0 on my IDE's and instead of scoring 41mb/s on Sandra, I score 55mb/s haha... I notice like no difference.

    Mushkin Level Ones are disappearing fast, and can't be had for that cheap anymore. As for OCZ Revision 2, OCZ has officially discontinued the product for MONTHS, you can still find 256mb sticks but 512mb sticks? In your dreams. If you're in the market for obsolete RAM, might as well auction for pc3500 level 2 mushkins off Ebay while you're at it. Looks like if you want to build this system you're on your own when it comes to RAM.
  • mino - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    #10 Exactcly, New raptor is Gorgoeus, take note I DON'T like WD, but this product has no match yet, exactly as 7k400 doesnn't have :)
  • Rekonn - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    #7, While raid 0 does improve performance, it's doesn't do it by 40% in general. Typical improvement is more like 10%, see

    If you have extra $$ you're better off getting the raptor than going raid0 with two 7200rpm drives.
  • mino - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    Yes, It does have.

    1) 3400+ should be FX-53, since next year there will be dual-core Opteron !!! Great upgrade option!

    2) WD 1200JB is pretty shitty drive(buggy, NOISY, slow), 1x Raptor system + 1xHitachi 7k400 400G for storage

    3) MSI Main ?? It is a Joke, I hope ! It's like recommending ECS to server :)

    And overal I mean that You should extend 4 guides systems to 5 or 6:

    Allways reliability is first but second is:
    1.) <$400 Low End -> price
    2.) <$800 Mid Range ->price/perf ratio
    3.) <$2000 High End ->performance, price/perf (3200+ wil suffice)
    4.) <$5000 Enthusiast ->performance (FX-53 is a MUST)
    5.) <$600 Low End overclock ->price/perf after overclock
    6.) <$1500 High End overclock ->price/perf after overclock

    When last 6th guide is only as an option an both 5th and 6th are now well enough represented by Overclock system guide.

    You will also get one week + time distance in between guides what proves to me to be pretty neccesary after some full cycles of guides since You usually doesn't have what to change.
  • Tokat - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    Whoops! Sorry, i'm new to this forum stuff here! Hey everybody. I just wanted to say that I agree with the stuff about the quicker raptors, and since the recommended motherboard has SATA RAID onboard, why not make it 2xRaptors? That'd be great performance and enough space!... as for somebody talking about 2x1200JB drives in raid mode... does this mobo have IDE RAID??
  • Pjotr - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    I agree with 6, dual 120 GB S-ATA drives are so cheap today, you get in general 40 % performance increase on the slowest part of your system.
  • nigham - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    In my experience, getting two harddisks in a RAID array increases performance much more than say, going from a 2.8 GHz to a 3.4 GHz processor, especially for desktop applications. Why not recommend a RAID array for the "high-end" user?
  • GokieKS - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    I have to second the comment about the case. For a system of this stature, a better case is very much warranted. Heck, I personally think even the Kingwin KT-424 is a better case than the K11 (I hate the acrylic front), and that's about the same price. Beyond that, I think the CoolerMasters and Silverstones are worth the increased cost. Even the SST-TJ03 Nimiz wouldn't be out of place. Sure, $270 more (much more) than what most people would spend on a case, but it's such a well-built case with great features (not that you need the Extended ATX support...) that it's warranted for a high-end system.
  • TrueWisdom - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    One thing that has always shocked me is the lack of emphasis put on the hard drive, especially in this latest "High End System" guide. The Western Digital Raptor is the single fastest desktop-oriented hard drive on the market: in single-user scenarios, it is neck-and-neck (and often outperforms!) 15K U320 SCSI drives. I've built computers with a spectrum of hard drives, from 5400RPM 2MB to the Raptor itself, and as far as speed goes, it's like comparing a GeforceMX 200 to a Radeon 9800XT: the difference really is that dramatic. Not even the Special Edition WD drives can hold a candle to the Raptor, and in a high-end system, you can't ignore something like that. Furthermore, the noise difference between the 1st gen (36GB) and 2nd gen (74GB) Raptors is very noticeable. While I understand the desire to keep costs down, please realize that you are sacrificing more than "just a little" performance when you pass over the 74GB Raptor. For verification of everything I've said, go to www.storagereview.com. They have in-depth benchmarks of basically every notable hard drive released in the past 5 years, and then you'll see how badly other desktop drives are outclassed by the Raptor.
  • Mackintire - Friday, April 30, 2004 - link

    I can not fathom the idea of using a Western Digital 1200JB (120G) anymore. Having experienced Seagate's 7200.7 FDB serial ATA (120G) hard drive it is plain and simply no contest. The Seagate drive is faster, quieter, more reliable, runs cooler, and has a higher sustained transfer rate.

    I build near 30 computers a month, and since I have switched to Seagate's hard drives with FDB I have not had a single return due to bearing noise. I had a 3 out of 10 western digital drive bearing failure rate.


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