Keyboard and Mouse

While trivial, it's still important that you purchase the right keyboard and mouse. Different people have different preferences for a keyboard's feel and look, and the same goes for a mouse. Therefore, we suggest that you personally try out a keyboard and mouse for yourself. Recommending purchasing these items online is misleading, as there are too many users with different preferences for this type of thing. Visit your nearest PC outlet to try out a keyboard and mouse yourself; a PC Club, Best Buy, CompUSA, or Circuit City store will do. We suggest that you start with Microsoft and Logitech keyboards and mice. Make sure you also check out optical mice from Microsoft and Logitech as well. A good solid optical mouse from either manufacturer should run about $20, but in some cases, can run as little as $10 if you can find the right deal.

Networking and Storage Mid-Range System Summary
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  • Jeff7181 - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - link

    For $40 more, I'd recommend an XP3000 with a 400 Mhz bus... might as well use that PC3200 RAM to it's full potential, right? =)
  • davehries - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - link

    Does the recently released AMD 64 2800+ CPU change your system recommendations.

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