C&C Generals: Zero Hour Performance no AA/AF

The 5700 Ultra shows a bit of a performance edge over the other two NVIDIA cards we tested here, but still falls short of anything ATI. Oddly though, it looks to me like there is an issue with the different ways these cards are handling timing the frames. The ATI cards all have instantaneous maximum frame rates into the hundreds, while the 5700 Ultra only reaches 76. The 5600 and 4200 don't even make it over 60.

All of the cards have the same minimum frame rate at 15 frames per second.

C&C Generals: Zero Hour Performance 4xAA/8xAF


We see a similar trend with ATI cards coming out ahead of the NVIDIA solutions, but the 5700 Ultra does a good job of approaching the 9600 Pro in this benchmark. With the exception of the 4200 card, the min frame rates were again at 15.

Aquamark3 Performance EVE: The Second Genesis Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 26, 2003 - link

    Stop acting like a moron and coming to conclusions on your own. If you actually had a method to checks IPs, you would see that I only posted ONCE. (#96). Maybe other people posted more than once, but assuming that the 10 posts are only from one person is complete BS. Unless you have proof, keep your mouth shut.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 26, 2003 - link

    Please, #98 is right. Look at #'s 87-97; all of them were posted within an hour. Then look at the rest of the responses toward the end of this thread. Puhlease.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    #98 just wanted to say that cause hes overwhelmed with how many people are posting with common sense.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    #98 which one would that be?
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    LMAO! Some loser is posting messages pretending to be a different person each time! LOL, nice try, you were caught. Next time try changing your IP address, you look stupid.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    and these days you can easily find a ati 9700 for around $220ish

  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    Argh wtf.. this review is clearly biased. Very disappointing AT.. very..

    "The GeForce FX 5700 Ultra will be debuting at $199 after a mail in rebate. If $200 is your hard limit, and you need a midrange card right now, the 5700 Ultra is the way to go if you want solid frame rates."

    Its 200 dollars AFTER the rebate comes in the mail. If you only have money to buy a $200 card, how the hell are you suppose to buy a 5700? Don't know, don't care..


  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link

    How dare you say ATI driver performance is not up to NVidia's?

    After all that cheating fiasco, replacing shader code, IQ optimization, Clipping planes, program detection, etc etc etc.

    WAKE UP dammit.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link


    60,000 and alone? Yet defending [A] on their crap?

    Now I understand why you live alone...even if you didn't want to it'll be hard to find a partner that can stand such a lame attitude.

    I agree on the part of doing some investigations before investing. Yet you contradict yourself if you see no IQ diferences....for the hardware you might be able to buy, you should see it miles away. I do in a cheapo 17" monitor.

    You should be investing more in your eyes man....
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - link


    No, it won't help, but for sure the website might GET A CLUE about what they are definitively not doing right.

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