The "slower" Pentium III 450 CPU brings the scores of the 9 test cards very close to one another, more specifically, within about a 20 fps range. The Savage 2000 is still faster than the rest of the competition but it continues to take a second place to the GeForce 256.

This test is the first at 800 x 600 where the Savage 2000 did not outperform the GeForce 256 in the 32-bit color test. It comes close but barely makes it. The general breakdown of performance here doesn't change much from the previous tests, but the range of frame rates increases from the ~20fps found at 640 x 480 to around 30fps.


The Savage 2000 isn't able to reach its previous limit of 60 fps at 1024 x 768 x 16-bit when set up with the Pentium III 450, which is pretty disappointing considering the Matrox G400MAX and TNT2 Ultra are less than 10 fps away from the Savage 2000 in 16-bit performance. The only savior for the Savage 2000 here is its 32-bit performance, which is greater than all of the competition.

Pentium III 600E - OpenGL Performance Athlon 700 - OpenGL Performance
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